About The Author (Who is this lady?)

Hi! Welcome! 

I'm a 30 something mother of three small children living in rural South Texas. I have a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from a now-defunct tiny Catholic liberal arts college, and I'm trying very hard to learn how to be whoever the heck God is trying to form me into. 

I enjoy writing, but I'm still relatively new to the game.  I use this space as a place to hone my writing skills and learn the ins and outs of blogging in particular. I write about things I think are important, things I think are interesting, and things I find funny.  I'm still very much finding my voice, and I'm having a lot of fun doing it. 

A few assorted facts that might help you get a feel for my writing--

- I have OCD. It's currently mostly under control, but it hasn't always been, and I like to share what I've learned from my experiences with it. 

- I'm a survivor of grooming and sexual abuse from a member of the Roman Catholic clergy. 

- I'm (still) a practicing Catholic and try my best to live my life and raise my children according to the teachings of the Church

- I'm creatively cheap, and proud of it. 

I'm glad you're here, and I hope you enjoy the ride. 

