Let Me Introduce Myself..

Hi. My name is Emily Hess. 

Here's a little bit about me, and what I hope to accomplish with this blog.

I'm South Texan, but I'm not Hispanic or Latina, hence the name of the blog. I do however, know what a 'chancla' is, can sing the refrain of a couple Selena songs, and make reasonably decent enchiladas, for whatever that's worth (probably not much, but there you go).

I'm creating this blog to be a creative outlet for things I want to talk about or share. Possible topics may include...

- Thrifty stuff. I'm a little too proud of being cheap. 

-'Country' stuff. We live in the middle of a cotton field near a tiny Texas town that's pretty much just a couple churches and a high school, and have chickens and a garden. 

-Churchy stuff. I'm practicing Roman Catholic, so topics relating to that will probably come up every now and again. Fair warning, these will probably tend to be the more 'serious' posts.

-Philosophy stuff. Both my husband and I were philosophy majors in college, so we get some interesting discussions going on occasion. 

So if you're interested in a Catholic philosophy nerd who lives in the middle of a field, welcome! This could be an interesting ride.

(The picture is me in college in Oklahoma a few years ago posing with a tumbleweed. I really need to take pictures more often)
