Check in

 Hey all, 

I've been slacking with the writing lately, sorry about that. Everyone is fine, I'm just really busy. Homeschooling is rumbling on, I've been working on our fall garden, and trying to hand sew a quilt for the first time. With a new routine and new stuff going  on, I just need to find a new rhythm with blogging and writing. 

A rhythm that has thus far escaped me. 

It's 11:22pm as I'm writing this. I'm lying in bed with a not-yet-weaned toddler and my sleeping husband. Tomorrow, I've got multiple errands and a playdate to attend to, and the expectation of running bedtime solo. Yesterday, we had mass, a family get together, and a parish lunch/religious ed orientation. 

Life is very full and happy, just frantic. Good things, but a lot of them. 


  1. Your days sound very full and very beautiful. I hope you got some good restorative sleep after posting this! I’m praying to find a new rhythm as well. I just passed the Bar and went back to work full time and just now I feel like I’m running to catch up in all areas. -Taryn


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